Yasmin Jonaidi (2235725) Yasmin Jonaidi

A novel Computer-Based Time Management System

Project Abstract

This project aims for a computer-based time management system that would improve the ineffectiveness of current systems, especially in how they organise and order tasks. Existing systems often show tasks in a single list format without enough customisation options. This can make people less productive because it’s hard to organise and prioritise tasks. Our new system aims to improve flexibility, efficiency, and user productivity by combining both manual and automated work management features.The aim the�?system will have a dual-view interface that lets users choose between traditional and hierarchical list formats based on their needs and preferences. This will help users handle tasks more naturally and avoid cognitive overload. It will also have tools for directly sorting tasks, scheduling tasks automatically, and putting tasks into groups based on rules that have already been set. The goal is to let users change how they handle their tasks so that they fit better with their workflows and the needs of the situation.Cross-platform flexibility, especially with systems, is also a big deal. This ensures that many people can use the system. The plan for development includes careful testing and getting feedback from users to keep making the system work better and give users a better experience. This project aims to meet these specific needs in order to not only make people and businesses more productive but also to advance academic research and software engineering. It could also be used in machine learning to predict when tasks need to be done and improve user interactions.

Keywords: Computer science, Computer system time management, Human interaction


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 12 at Presentation Slot 10

Location: College 017 at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Scott Yang Yang, Ehinafa Akinola (GTA)

Course: MSc Computer Science, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for work