Will Isom (2033049) Will Isom

End-to-End Implementation of a Network Remote ID UAV System

Project Abstract

The development of autonomous drone technology has enabled more complex drone operations, these advancements such as Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) flights have brought to light the need for enhanced safety and regulatory measures. This project responds to the need for enhanced UAV safety by providing a Network Remote ID solution enabling real time tracking of UAVs in flight by integrating an end-to-end design using a mobile app, Network Remote ID module and a cloud based central authority. This work addresses key industry and regulatory challenges surrounding UAV safety through the development of a fully comprehensive Network Remote ID solution. What sets this work apart is the end-to-end nature of the system encompassing UAV operators, members of the public, authorities and manufacturers enabling all stakeholders to interact with the system for their specific needs.The study involved cloud development, mobile development, and hardware integration. We are leveraging the 4G network to transmit Remote ID data to a cloud backend acting as the central authority. The cloud backend is built using the AWS Cloud platform using a primarily serverless architecture ensuring scalability. To build the Network Remote ID module the Raspberry Pi development board was used with breakout components to enable 4G connectivity and telemetry data to be collected. Security measures were implemented in our solution ensuring all data is encrypted in transit and spoofing attacks are mitigated using public key infrastructure.The implementation of our Network Remote ID solution demonstrated how the 4G network can be leveraged to transmit Remote ID data from UAVs in flight and can help enable the safe integration of UAVs into national airspace. Key findings include the ability for users to monitor UAVs in flight and view no fly zones via the use of our Android app helping operators make informed decisions.In conclusion this work advances UAV airspace management and provides an end-to-end Network Remote ID solution which is practical and scalable for real world deployments. The work contributes to the growing field of Network Remote ID solutions which are expected to play a central role in future UAV regulations.

Keywords: Internet of Things (IoT), Mobile Applications, Cloud Development


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 50

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Pardeep Kumar, Thomas Reitmaier

Course: BSc Computer Science FI, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I have a job lined-up