Wiktoria Bruzgo (2110283) Wiktoria Bruzgo

Resurrecting COBOL

Project Abstract

Resurrecting COBOL is a project set out to explore the history of the COBOL programming language and its impact on business computing, as well as explore methods in which COBOL can be reintroduces into university lectures. It discusses the initial development of the language in the 1950?��s and 60?��s, answering the questions of who created it, why did they create it and who wanted it to be made? This project also discusses the relevancy of COBOL in a modern landscape, drawing from its historical significance to show how it can be taught using modern pedagogical methods ?�� aiming to establish the overall value of the COBOL language compared to more recent technological evolutions. The project also provides a comprehensive guide to programming in COBOL, covering the core concepts and quirks of the language, as well as discussing the various methods of running COBOL code on modern personal computers. A key aspect of this project is the pedagogical theory behind creating a course to teach coding at university, which is used as a basis for the course structure and creates a 5-lecture long curriculum for teaching COBOL. Resurrecting COBOL concludes by evaluating the feasibility of reintroducing COBOL into a university environment, and analyses the potential challenges and opportunities associated with revitalising COBOL in education and implementation in a modern computing landscape, reflecting on its sustainability and viability moving forward.

Keywords: History, Teaching, Legacy Languages


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 88

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: John Tucker, Betsy Dayana Marcela Chaparro Rico

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m continuing studies