Vuyelwa Nyasha Mazingi (2006624) Vuyelwa Nyasha Mazingi

Educate: Cross-Platform Mobile App Development

Project Abstract

This project explores the application of technology in education and its impact on university students. The global university student population is at an all-time high and set to continue to grow rapidly in the future. With many students suffering from procrastination and low motivation, their time management and productivity levels subsequently suffer. This often has a direct link in negatively impacting their university grades. The mobile application market is producing new innovative applications daily, however, at present, no dedicated mobile application exists to cater to this unique dilemma faced by students across the world. This project evaluates Educate, a purpose-built cross-platform mobile application, and its ability to help university students overcome their procrastination, manage their time more effectively and increase their productivity in the hopes of achieving higher grades at university. By investigating intuitive and engaging user experience and interface design, we have implemented these designs into functional software using Flutter and Dart. The application implemented a to-do list, a Pomodoro timer and progress statistics to help students reach their goals more effectively and efficiently. It also incorporated user authentication, accessibility settings and rewards and incentives to boost students?�� motivation. Extensive user research was conducted through surveys and interviews to trial the application with university students. The key finding was procrastination and poor time management were student’s biggest challenges, while productivity was not a major concern, and students wanted to feel more motivated in their studies.

Keywords: Mobile App Development, Human Computer Interaction, User Experience Design


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 18

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Bertie Muller, Fernando Maestre Avila

Course: BSc Computer Science FI, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I have a job lined-up