Vivek Sadineni (2350147) Vivek Sadineni

Visualizing the future and the past: timelines and beyond

Project Abstract

A web-based visualization tool for timelines is a visual representation of events in aorganized manner with Tasks/Milestones/ any data that laid sequentially over period oftime. This visualization tool helps us to get the road map that guides / understand inefficiently and easily, since it?��s shows in the form of graphical/pictorial representation. Auser will get a clear understanding of future and the past events. This web-based tool can be used by different kind of people. The key features include user friendly interfacesupporting to Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) operations for the newevent/existing event. Past and the Future events will be differentiated. For Past eventshe/she can?��t do Update operation. For upcoming/future events he/she can Create,Update and Delete operations. While creating an event user will be requested to give aTitle, description, Reminder Date, Close Event date. Reminder Date and Closing Date will be validated to check the entered dates are future dates or not. Reminder Date and Close Event date will accept only greater than the event creation date. past dates will not be accepted. User can also view all the past events as a history. These events and user information will be stored in a secured Database. This application will be designed to be scaled, extensible, highly available with good performance. This server will beimplemented using the powerful python-based Django framework. This server exposes a REST API for clients to consume. The application compatible with multiple platforms.

Keywords: REST, Database, Django


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 26 at Presentation Slot 3

Location: GH043 at Wednesday 8th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: George Brooks (GTA), Markus Roggenbach

Course: MSc Computer Science, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for an industry placement