Tristan Tsang Tsang (2143975) Tristan Tsang Tsang

Novel Lab sign-off and queue system

Project Abstract

In this project, a web application is developed to counter the inefficiency of computer science labs by managing the student requests and lab signoffs. As the traditional way of how the lab function often leads to chaos and confusion, this project aims to improve the communication between students and lab helpers by implementing a centralised queue system. With this queue system, students will be able to get assistance from available lab helpers effectively. To minimize the project risks, an agile approach Trello Kanban board is used as the software development life cycle for planning out the flow of the project. Various background research including queueing systems and collaborative editing algorithms are conducted to explore the options in development, which extends to listing out the system?��s requirements including features such as collaborative coding and properties such as a dynamic user interface. Multiple modern tools and libraries are used to develop the web application, this includes Laravel for robust backend development, Tailwind CSS for seamless frontend styling, and GitHub for organised version control. This project also contains several testing strategies that involves automation and random participants to examine the quality of the product, allowing further evaluation in the success of the project showing its achievements and future considerations. In conclusion, this project enhances the overall educational experience in computer science laboratories by providing a practical solution to manage the student requests effectively.

Keywords: Queue system, Web application development, Collaborative code editing


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 120

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Randell Gaya, Yuanbo Wu

Course: BSc Software Engineering, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for work