Tharun Rao Duddu Narsing Srinivas (2355345) Tharun Rao Duddu Narsing Srinivas

Email Template systems

Project Abstract

The Email Template System project aims to transform organizational communication by offering a comprehensive library of pre-designed email templates catering to a wide range of scenarios. The primary objective of this project is to enhance communication efficiency and elevate user experience within businesses. This project report presents an in-depth analysis of the purpose, goals, target audience, and user needs, while also examining existing solutions available in the market. The report delves into the technical aspects of the system, exploring the development tools, algorithms, and integration strategies required for a successful implementation. By conducting thorough technical research, the project identifies the most suitable approaches to designing and developing the Email Template System, ensuring its compatibility with various organizational infrastructure and communication platforms. To guide the project and measure its success, hypotheses are established, focusing on key areas such as system performance, user adoption, and satisfaction. Evaluation metrics are set up, including user adoption rates, satisfaction surveys, and productivity increases in email creation, to assess the system’s effectiveness and impact on organizational communication. The Email Template System targets a broad range of users within organizations, from entry-level employees to top-level management, recognizing the importance of clear and efficient communication at every level. By providing pre-designed templates, the system aims to streamline the email creation process, reduce potential errors, and promote consistent and professional communication across the organization. The project emphasizes the importance of stakeholder feedback and collaboration in refining the Email Template System to ensure it meets organizational needs and goals. As such, the report concludes with a recommendation for further design and development efforts, incorporating user feedback and fostering a collaborative environment to continuously improve the system and maximize its benefits to the organization.

Keywords: emails,web application, email template mangaement, userinteraction , human algorithm inter


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 8 at Presentation Slot 4

Location: GH037 at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Galileo Sator (GTA), Ulrich Berger

Course: MSc Computer Science, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for an industry placement