Tafon Taffe (2012464) Tafon Taffe

Utilising mobile application development for flexibility training

Project Abstract

For my final year project, I’ve developed a health companion app using android studio that will specifically be targeting flexibility and stretching training that will cater to individuals of all fitness levels. One of the primary motivations driving the development of this project is raising awareness about critical health issues that affect individuals and communities of all age demographics. My aim is to create an app that not only facilitates overall fitness and health but also encourages early detection and intervention. As over exposure to technology has increased sedentary behaviour and caused a rise in underlying health issues like chronic lower back problems. Furthermore, within my application I?��ve developed interactive front end design elements to illustrate the purpose of the application as well as the implementation of a body tracking feature that uses a device?��s camera to accurately scan users in real time and produce on-screen guide feedback to assist in correct form for the user training process. The outcome of this project is a full stack mobile application that individuals can you use without any prior fitness knowledge to benefit and improve their overall health.

Keywords: Mobile application software development, human computer interaction design, deep neural network API


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 32

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Scott Yang Yang, Mark Jones

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for work