Sunemi Mutrapu (2362135) Sunemi Mutrapu

Verification and security protocol

Project Abstract

The integrity and security of communication channels are vital in the current digital era because of the higher dangers of data tampering, unauthorised access, and other cyber threats. This study performs a thorough analysis of security standards that are essential to protecting information flow in important industries like government, banking, and healthcare. With an emphasis on more recent technologies like DTLS and QUIC in addition to more established protocols like SSL/TLS, SSH, and Kerberos, the research attempts to expand knowledge and create more robust communication frameworks. The three main security attributes that these protocols provide?��authentication, confidentiality, and integrity?��are methodically assessed in this paper. By using both theoretical research and actual testing, it evaluates the resilience of these protocols against possible security lapses and efforts at data interception. The research uses advanced modelling tools to do this: computational modelling replicates real-world attack scenarios to test protocols under stress, while symbolic modelling aids in abstracting protocol behaviours and evaluating their theoretical soundness. Additionally, the formal verification of protocol security is done using sophisticated tools like the Tamarin Prover. By precisely analysing cryptographic protocols, this programme can detect weaknesses and confirm that security measures are working. In addition to validating the existing protocol designs, the project hopes to contribute to the continuous development of strong security measures that improve the dependability and trustworthiness of digital communications through such thorough study. The ultimate objective of this study is to make a substantial contribution to the cybersecurity sector. This project helps to create a safer digital environment where users may trust in the security of their information and the dependability of the communication networks they rely on by expanding understanding about security standards and creating stronger protective mechanisms.Keywords: verification, security protocol, data integrity, confidentiality, cyber-attacks.

Keywords: Cyber attacks, Formal verification, cryptographic protocols


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 19 at Presentation Slot 9

Location: GH018 at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Betsy Dayana Marcela Chaparro Rico, Jens Blanck

Course: MSc Data Science, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for an industry placement