Shivraj Rajagopal (2147335) Shivraj Rajagopal

Developing a legal advice chatbot for divorce couples

Project Abstract

The rising number of divorces globally underscores the necessity for accessible legal guidance. This work addresses the growing need for comprehensive information and support during divorce proceedings, aiming to empower individuals with knowledge to navigate the complexities of legal separation more confidently.Positioned as a digital alternative to traditional legal consultations, this chatbot offers personalized guidance tailored to users’ specific circumstances. By leveraging CLIQ technology, it provides an efficient and user-friendly platform for individuals seeking clarity on child support, financial support, asset division, custody, and legal procedures pertaining to divorce.Employing a combination of CLIQ and bot, the chatbot utilizes a database of legal information and case precedents to deliver accurate and relevant advice. Its interactive interface allows users to input their details and receive tailored responses based on jurisdiction-specific laws and regulations.Through extensive data analysis and legal research, the chatbot identifies key trends in divorce proceedings, highlighting common pitfalls and best practices for achieving favorable outcomes. It produces comprehensive reports outlining potential scenarios, rights, and obligations for divorcing couples, facilitating informed decision-making.This research contributes to the democratization of legal information by providing accessible guidance to individuals navigating the complexities of divorce. By equipping users with essential knowledge and insights, the chatbot empowers them to make informed decisions and engage more effectively with legal professionals, ultimately enhancing the efficiency and fairness of divorce proceedings.

Keywords: Chatbot, Legal Advice, Web development and CLIQ


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 138

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Megan Venn-Wycherley, Jens Blanck

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for work