Shashank Jain (2007908) Shashank Jain

OMSI Content Manager ?�� External program to breathe life into an old game

Project Abstract

OMSI 2 is an old, but popular game, with heaps of new content still being released daily. Unfortunately, it stores its assets quite inefficiently and loads every single one upon each startup, resulting in extremely slow launch times – of up-to 15 minutes!This project aims to create a user-friendly content management system which would fully alleviate this problem – the total amount of time saved across all players would be monumental.It is exceedingly likely that a solution would be used by hundreds of players, placing the project in a very unique position.The study explored the principles behind user friendly GUIs & the most optimal methods of accelerating such a process ?�� such as use of databases or multithreading. This resulted in the project changing trajectory several times due to the results of this research. For example, finer analysis unveiled the possibility of greatly improving the game?��s performance via filesystem-based methods ?�� something well within the bounds of this project. Additionally, it was discovered that the game only loaded certain assets at certain stages, prompting a re-prioritisation of tasks.Work began by studying the structure of all game asset types & their relationships, then replicating these into an external code library. The library can parse & manage the assets of any game instance as a result. A graphical user-interface (GUI) was implemented above this library, allowing the user to select content for each session ?�� then, the game will only load this content, drastically reducing startup times.Both key aims have been completely fulfilled by the project, as well as extras such as additional performance improvements. If the resulting software was released to the public, it would substantially improve the experience of many players globally.

Keywords: Game Restoration, Graphical User Interface Design,


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 20

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Mark Jones, Simon Robinson

Course: BSc Software Engineering FI, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for work