Samuel Marshall (2012203) Samuel Marshall

Procedurally Generating Dynamic Music for Video Games

Project Abstract

In the realm of video game development, the inclusion of music is an important step towards creating an engaging gameplay experience for players. However, small independent game developer teams may not have the means or funds to create their own unique music for the games that they produce. While developers have the option to use royalty-free music, they cannot guarantee that it will be unique to their project.Using Unity and C#, we have created a game featuring a procedurally generated soundtrack. The procedural music is dynamic, meaning that it can transform and adapt to match a variety of actions taken by the player. By developing cohesion between the gameplay and its soundtrack, we intend to create an experience for players that feels unique every time the game is played.With this project, we aim to determine whether our procedurally generated music is an improvement on the use of royalty-free music, and to what extent its dynamic nature affects player immersion.

Keywords: Procedural Generation, Video Games, Music


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 34 at Presentation Slot 1

Location: CoFo 002 at Wednesday 8th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Mark Jones, Galileo Sator (GTA)

Course: MSci Computer Science, Masters 4th Year

Future Plans: I’m undecided