Samuel Ashman Timothy (2112438) Samuel Ashman Timothy

Detecting and Mitigating Packet Sniffing and Keylogging Attacks

Project Abstract

The domain of cyber security is characterized by ever-evolving/progressing threatsand the constant need for effective and up-to-date defensive mechanisms against cyberattacks. Within the cyber security domain, it is difficult to detect and mitigate cyberthreats either due to the complexity or adaptability of a threat. Cyber attacks such askeylogging are difficult to detect due to their ability to hide themselves within the systemand work in total stealth without the user ever knowing.This project looks to identify, understand, and investigate current prevention methodsfor keylogging and packet sniffing. The main aim of this project would be to develop asolution to detect and mitigate packet sniffing, keylogging, and potentially other cyberattacks. Furthermore, looking to evaluate the effectiveness of counteracting keylogging,packet sniffing, and other cyber attacks.The proposed methodology focuses on creating a program that can utilise systemprocesses functionality, the program is split into two sections, a basic filtering and anadvanced filtering section. The filtering techniques could be used to detect and mitigatepacket sniffing, keylogging, and potentially other cyber attacks as well. This approachallows real-time protection, as once the filtering process has been completed, the user caninvestigate and terminate these threats if required.Additionally, to evaluate the findings of this project, by performing experimental anal-ysis on the completed program to see the effectiveness against certain cyber attacks suchas keylogging or packet sniffing.In summary, the project is focussed on protecting users and businesses from differentcyber threats such as keylogging or packet sniffing, providing a different and unique ap-proach to detecting/mitigating these attacks.

Keywords: Cyber Security, Information Security, Security Engineering


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 92

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Giedre Sabaliauskaite, Casey Hopkins

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for an industry placement