Saloni Fiona Fernandes (2344784) Saloni Fiona Fernandes

Web Application – Novel Lab Sign-off and Queue System

Project Abstract

Laboratory plays crucial role in gaining hands-on experience which leads to application of theoretical knowledge thereby enhancing student?��s academic learning. But this involves challenges such as technical difficulties and procedural uncertainties. To tackle these issues, there needs to be support in laboratory through administrators. While dealing with multiple students there arises efficiency issues due to long wait times. In order to increase efficiency, there has been proposal of this project ?�� web application based on Laravel MVC framework. The main aim of the proposed web application is to provide the users with efficient lab assistance system while improving the entire process for the students to request for lab assistance or sign-off and for the administrators to customize the queue management features according to their preferences to make it more convenient for them. The proposed project will be user-friendly enabling students to log in and request for lab assistance and sign-off along with option to upload screenshots of their work in requests so that the lab assistants can get better understanding of the required assistance and plan ahead of offering the support. It will have queueing system which will be customizable per administrator. Inclusion of anonymous feedback feature which will help improvise the assistance and also provide visual analytics of the same to enable the administrators to gain more insightful analytics of the feedback received. Automated email notification will be sent to the students on getting signed-off for the lab. It will inculcate some of the basic web application security features in Laravel. Inclusion of real-time live chat to enable active guidance. The project will comply to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and also follow modern web application standards. Implementing these features will improve the efficiency and user experience thereby improving the existing lab sign-off mechanism at the University.

Keywords: Web Application Development, Laravel framework, Web Application Security


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 9 at Presentation Slot 4

Location: GH022 at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Raziyeh Moghaddas (GTA), Ulrich Berger

Course: MSc Advanced Computer Science, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for work