Salieu Kamara (2200312) Salieu Kamara

Embedded System Interoperability Gateway

Project Abstract

Over the years, the issue of interoperability between systems has appeared time and time again on various projects I have had the pleasure of working on. This includes the British Army BOWMAN Platform Battlefield Information System Application (PBISA) and Kirintec K-CEMA Jupiter Vehicle Mounted System. In a world of growing interconnectivity, it becomes vital for heterogenous devices to seamlessly interact and exchange information. Within the military domain, various open architecture standards such as Generic Vehicle Architecture (GVA), Modular Open RF Architecture (MORA) and Sensing for Asset Protection with Integrated Electronic Networked Technology (SAPIENT) have been developed to improve operational effectiveness and reduce integration risks.This project aims to address the challenge of achieving interoperability between embedded systems that use different internal protocols by developing a framework that enables embedded systems developers to create custom adapters for an arbitrary number of protocols and route data between them efficiently. The proposed framework will utilise existing technologies to create a standardised approach to interoperability, making it easier for developers to integrate embedded systems into larger systems.The framework will be developed using the Extreme programming (XP) and test-driven development (TDD) methodologies. Starting with the defining of a set of functional and non-functional requirements. The requirements are used to directly create acceptance tests. The requirements and acceptance tests are then used to design the framework and create appropriate unit tests. An iterative process of short development cycles involving programming, unit test creation and refactoring then ensues until a minimum viable product is achieved.The framework will be used create a gateway software that will be used in a real-world scenario to validate its effectiveness. An evaluation of its performance and stability will be carried out to ensure its reliability and availability.

Keywords: Interoperability Gateway, Interface Integration, Adapter Plugin Framework


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 13 at Presentation Slot 7

Location: GH049 at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Chen Hu (GTA), Hassan Eshkiki

Course: MSc Computer Science PT, Masters PG

Future Plans: Other