Saiyin Hou (2376069) Saiyin Hou

Teaching Welsh Heritage through electronic games

Project Abstract

This project is based on the characteristics of Wales – the Red Dragon and the castle to produce a Heritage teaching video game, Because the dragon cultures of the East and the West differ greatly, and the East’s understanding of the Western dragon, especially the Welsh Red dragon, is only superficial, project aim to promote Welsh culture while combining with Loong (Chinese dragon) by using modeling and game engine interaction to achieve its purpose in an adventure game style. Adventure games will teach heritage through simple story and setting changes and special NPCs. At the same time, the game will show different national spirits of different countries through different dragon cultures.

Keywords: Heritage teaching, Castle and Dragon, Adventure Games


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 11 at Presentation Slot 8

Location: College 127 at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Nicholas Micallef, Alec Critten (GTA)

Course: MSc Advanced Computer Science, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m undecided