Ryan Ahsan Harryanto (2120686) Ryan Ahsan Harryanto

Making Video Games more Accessible for the Visually Impaired

Project Abstract

Video Games are one of the most popular entertainment options in the world right now. Whether it be alone or with friends, video games have brought so much joy to so many people. Yet despite that one group of people have found it incredibly hard to play video games which are people who are visually impaired. Visually-impaired people find it incredibly hard to play video games due to their reliance on text on delivering information to the player and due to them finding it incredibly hard to navigate through the world of these games without being able to use the screen. Yet despite that some game developers found ways to make their games accessible to visually-impaired people. Whether it be making their games completely audio-based, by having options to have a narrator or by having ways to increase font size some developers have found a lot of ways to make their games accessible to the visually-impaired. I have programmed a computer game using Unity that can be played by people who are visually impaired and have created an accessibility menu so this game is accessible to as many people who are visually impaired as possible.

Keywords: Accessibility, Video Games, Software Development


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 98

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Gregory Cheng, Ulrich Berger

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m undecided