Ritu Sharma (2356846) Ritu Sharma

A Novel Hybrid Round Robin, Equally Spaced and Throttle Approach for Balancing the Load in Cloud Environment

Project Abstract

In a cloud computing, load balancing makes sure that nodes aren’t overburdened by distributing the workload evenly across them. When it comes to cloud computing, there have been several suggested methods for load balancing. The common ones are round robin, Throttle approach and equally spread current execution. Round robin maintains the circular order of load distribution without priority. In other words, load is randomly distributed despite of heavily or lightly loaded servers. Equally spread current execution handles the process with priority. The client first asks the load distributor to find an appropriate virtual machine to perform the operation in Throttle approach. We propose a hybrid load aware cloud computing (HLA-CC) approach that combines the benefits of Round Robin, Equally Spaced and Throttle Approach. The proposed approach first uses Round Robin to assign the load to a server, employs throttle approach to find appropriate virtual machine and uses equally spaced technology to equally distribute the load among various virtual machines. The proposed approach will achieve optimal load distribution and enhanced cloud performance. The performance of proposed HLA-CC approach is compared with some of the famous and latest cloud computing load balancing approaches such as Rock Hyrax optimization-based load balancing, and virtual machine allocation load balancing. The proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art research in terms of energy efficiency, response time, and throughput.

Keywords: Cloud computing, Load balance, Hybrid apprpoach


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 27 at Presentation Slot 5

Location: GH029 at Wednesday 8th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Deb Roy, Oliver Kullmann

Course: MSc Computer Science, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for work