Rithik Sandron (2312067) Rithik Sandron

Visualising the future and the past: timelines and beyond – A Timeline Application

Project Abstract

DescriptionThis project is about creating an application that helps us view time in a different perspective. The application can also be used for project management, but in broader terms, the application will be useful to visualise time in general. While there are various timeline applications available in the market, they may not cater to this generic aspect of visualisation.MotivationThe main motivation here is a need for an application that is more suitable for quick general use, studying, managing projects and events. Markdown based content creation has become easier and popular. I want to utilise markdown to create tasks and assign dates to them easily To create an app that is easy to use and less complicated unlike other applications in the market.My application should provide a template system that would fetch user?��s tasks and put them on their personal timeline.AimThe application should be user-friendly, easy and efficient and should also help individuals with their studies using timelines and general task and project management.The application should not rely on any external libraries. Several applications use open source libraries for calendar, timeline UI, date scheduling, markdown parsing and rendering. This makes the application less efficient, and creates a dependency that prevents them from incorporating custom behaviours and features. The target audience are generic users, students and companies.ApproachRead the user?��s content (their events) and construct a n-ary tree. Convert the constructed tree into multiple list, timeline UI.Provide a system for users to add, update, delete, sort and arrange their events.What I have done so farCreated the frontend UI.Created a parser that reads user?��s events and constructs a n-ary tree.Created a renderer that converts event?��s date into markdown.Created utility methods that takes in the markdown and converts and arranges them in the timeline UI view.

Keywords: Timeline Visualisation, Project Management Tool�?, Software Engineering


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 32 at Presentation Slot 1

Location: GH037 at Wednesday 8th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Thomas Reitmaier, Raziyeh Moghaddas (GTA)

Course: MSc Advanced Computer Science, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for work