Rhys McGuire (2012988) Rhys McGuire

Customised Digital Food Labels

Project Abstract

Throughout the world, obesity and the illnesses associated with it, have been on a continual rise since the 70?��s. Despite advancements in nutritional knowledge, factors like increased ?��fast?�� and processed food availability and decreased physical activity contribute to the issue.In the UK, there are regulations which state pre-packaged foods should contain mandatory nutritional information on the reverse, and a guideline for ?��front of package?�� labelling, which shows consumers key nutritional information in an easy-to-read format. However, the information shown is for the ?��average adult?��, which means they are only accurate for a small percentage of the population. With that in mind, a web-based application has been produced which allows users to scan a barcode and receive personalised nutritional info. By empowering consumers with accurate information, the app aims to inspire informed food choices and improve overall well-being. The Laravel framework was used to build a full stack web application, with the use of Laravel Bootstrap and JavaScript to ensure functionality and improve user experience. Research was undertaken to ensure the calculations were as accurate as possible and formulas were created to calculate things such as the user?��s BMI and Daily Recommended Intakes, requiring only a small amount of basic data from the users.The application can be used without registering, giving the user generalised information based on the ?��average adult?��, akin to that available on packaging. If a user wants to see personalised information, they can do so with the basic registration process. The users can then scan or type in an items bar code, and receive nutritional information tailored to their personal calculations. The user can change the portion sizes of the items, and add them to their ?��day?��, which displays the information in a simple chart, allowing users to keep track of their overall daily consumption.

Keywords: Web Applications, Software Development, Databases


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 37

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Liam O’reilly, Deepak Sahoo

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m continuing studies