Rene Hornchen-Turner (2017085) Rene Hornchen-Turner

Raw vowel sounds to formants

Project Abstract

Linguistics and phonetics is one of my interests. I would like to learn about the vowel space more therefore, I am making a program that records your vowels in real time and can try to determine what vowel it is. I am using Python and the libraries sounddevice and parselmouth to help me. sounddevice allows the program to capture the input in real time and parselmouth allows the program to process the audio. The audio is processed by calculating the formants which we can use the formant to determine what vowel it is. Finally I use QtPy to show the data to the user in a graphical user interface. This program and be helpful to people who want to know a bit more about their vowels.

Keywords: Linguistics, Phonetics, Vowels


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 54

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Jens Blanck, Arno Pauly

Course: BSc Computer Science FA, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for work