Rami Abdulrazzaq (2124755) Rami Abdulrazzaq

Autonomous Robot for Hotel Guest Assistance

Project Abstract

Hotel staff have a significant responsibility to ensure that the guests staying at their establishment are comfortable and satisfied with their experience. However, hotel staff often face several challenges such as long hours, irregular shifts and dealing with difficult guests. To make the check-in process for guests easier and more efficient, a new system has been developed that utilises a robotic arm, paired with a PC. The PC will be responsible for using facial recognition technology to check in guests and identify the room that has been booked for each guest. Once the room information has been identified, it will be sent to the robot, which will then find and grab the corresponding key before placing it on the table for the guest to pick up. The system will be designed to use keyboard input to ask the guest whether he/she wants to check-in, and then a camera will be used to identify the guest and use the robot to hand him/her the room key. For check out, the robot will reacquire the room key from the guest. The final program will consist of a combination of face recognition and image processing code, which will be programmed to work seamlessly together and identify and grab the correct room key for each guest. The tools used for this system, include the vision library OpenCV for face recognition and image processing, and a robotics library for the robotic arm Ned2 (which is a ROS Raspberry Pi-based robot), and the application of the above is programmed in Python. This system aims to ensure that guests have a hassle-free experience and improve the overall guest experience while also helping and reducing the workload on hotel staff to work more efficiently and effectively.

Keywords: Robot-assisted hotel services, Face recognition, Python application


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 5

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Daniele Cafolla, John Tucker

Course: BSc Software Engineering, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for work