Rajan Bhamra (2034215) Rajan Bhamra

To what extent can A health and lifestyle app create and sustain habits from after 2 weeks of use?

Project Abstract

This project is a health and lifestyle app, and is used to evaluate the question ?��To what extent can a health and lifestyle app create and sustain habits from after 2 weeks of use??�� The reasoning for this is due to the Covid 19 pandemic, it caused a fall in physical and mental health standards. By extension, it worsened existing problems, and created new mental issues such as anxiety and depression. The aim of this app is to create an inclusive and personalised workout app. Its main features contain a fitness section, a diet planner, a routine scheduler and a mental health section. Problems with existing apps are that they are lacking innovation, not accessible to newcomers, time consuming and do not adapt to current affairs. The methodology is to survey a large group to get information about current health and fitness habits. Then, after choosing a group of testers (who all have android phones), survey them about more specific issues, and then create the app. They then use the app for 2 weeks. They are surveyed directly after the 2 weeks and finally after 1 week after deletion. The results are that it did create habits, many of which are sustainable. Innovative features, such as having real life workout example videos instead of animated videos were useful and caused a change, as well as having an automated weight, set and rep increaser. Also, small consistent changes, such as having new routine actions, also stayed with the testers after the app usage. The testers also reported having a better, healthier and better-rounded lifestyle. This concludes that a health and lifestyle app DOES create and sustain habits after 2 weeks of use.

Keywords: Android Mobile App Development, HCI (Human-Computer Interaction), Data Analytics


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 70

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Jen Pearson, Bertie Muller

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m undecided