Raj Sarkar (2028386) Raj Sarkar

Securitizing Digital Finance: A PHP-Based Approach to Robust Financial Management Web Applications

Project Abstract

In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital finance, this dissertation presents a comprehensive study on the development of a PHP-based web application that revolutionises financial management through enhanced security and user experience. At the heart of this project lies a meticulously designed database architecture, which serves as the bedrock for managing a plethora of user data, encompassing financial transactions, receipts, and personal credentials. The application distinguishes itself by integrating state-of-the-art security protocols, including password hashing, unique user validation, and robust session-based authentication, to fortify user data against unauthorised access and cyber threats.The interface of the application is crafted with the end-user in mind, offering a seamless and intuitive experience for tracking financial activities, uploading receipts, and visualising spending patterns. This user-centric approach is complemented by performance optimisation strategies that leverage cutting-edge technologies such as Redis caching and Doctrine filters, ensuring swift and scalable operation even under heavy loads. The dissertation goes beyond the technical implementation to discuss the implications of such a system in the broader context of web development, emphasising the versatility and potential of PHP in creating secure, efficient, and user-friendly applications. By setting a new standard for security in web applications, this research underscores the importance of balancing rigorous security measures with the practical needs of users, ultimately contributing valuable insights and methodologies to the domain of financial web application development.

Keywords: Cyber Security, Web Development, Database Management


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 63

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Jens Blanck, Benjamin Mora

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for work