Pruthviraj Taralekar (943103) Pruthviraj Taralekar

Bachelor of Science (Hons) – Computer Science

Project Abstract

Title: Weather & Music Alarm ClockThis project will look at the development of a new application for alarm clocks that will, instead of the traditional beeping sound from other alarm clocks, have weather forecasts and a series of musical selections to make the day for the user dynamic in accordance with the weather of the day. This is based on a boring experience with the traditional alarm clock and its capability; it must influence better morning routines for users who are conscious of their surroundings and enjoy music. What makes the individual value proposition unique is that it combines real-time weather data with musical preferences according to the weather, providing an innovative wake-up experience for every user each morning.The approach to the research method will involve the use of Kotlin in the development of mobile applications for the Android platform, with integrations made against external APIs for weather data (OpenWeatherMap-API) and music streaming (iTunesMusic-API). The interface design follows the principles of UX and HCI.Early findings from the development phases were such that the integration of weather context with the users’ morning alarms is something that the user found rather innovating and motivating. From this, a quality deliverable can be expected, which can greatly improve user mornings with tailored music experiences corresponding to the current weather.My research is a small part of the literature pointing to how digital services can streamline people’s daily routines if integrated with excellence. Completed successfully, this project could yield insight into how environmental data interrelates with personal technology use and possibly represent an advance on the traditional functionalities of an alarm clock. Set out to bridge weather awareness and musical enjoyment in the mornings, essentially transforming morning experiences while also offering a model for context-aware personal technology applications that can be scaled.

Keywords: Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Mobile Applications, Personalized Alarm Clock with Weather Music Integration, Dynamic Music Selection with Interactive Weather response


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 45

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Trang Doan, Pardeep Kumar

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for work