Pritam Bhalerao (2358954) Pritam Bhalerao

A Learning Suite for developing verified critical systems using SPARK Ada

Project Abstract

The project aims to improve developer productivity and competitive programming abilities byaddressing the shortage of interactive learning tools for Spark Ada. Based on an analysis of thecurrent programming language learning platforms, it is evident that there is a lack of representationfor Spark Ada, despite the availability of materials in multiple languages on numerous websites.The project aims to address this deficiency by creating interactive educational materials designedexclusively for Spark Ada. The research process entails visiting established platforms, studyingtheir structures, and evaluating the level of user involvement. The data collected clearly showsthat there is a notable lack of Spark Ada resources, despite the existence of various educationalplatforms. This discovery emphasizes the potential to create Spark Ada resources that meet therequirements and motivations of developers. The subsequent stages entail conducting additionalresearch on learner preferences, creating customized resources, and implementing effective marketing tactics to effectively reach the intended target population. In conclusion, addressing thisdeficiency in educational materials leads to a thorough programming education, improves the abilities and efficiency of developers, and therefore attracts developers who are interested in studyingSpark Ada.

Keywords: Learning suite, SPARK Ada, verified critical systems


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 4 at Presentation Slot 10

Location: GH001 at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Neil Carter, Lu Zhang

Course: MSc Advanced Computer Science, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for an industry placement