Pinky Kaur Pinky kaur (2354229) Pinky Kaur Pinky kaur

Verification of security protocols

Project Abstract

In regard to the increasing importance of secure communication in the digital era, this study examines security methods in occupied. This research investigates multiple security methods through an in-depth examination of security methods with the goal of improving confidentiality, integrity, and authenticating. The importance of this research is highlighted by the urgent requirement to protect sensitive data from advanced cyber threats. This work will express clearly motive to close the knowledge gap between theory and real-world security protocol implementation, increasing the security of electronic means of communication. This study aims to provide knowledge about improving the security and integrity of digital communication networks within an in-depth review of the literature, symbolic and digital modelling of security protocols and potential attackers, and the use of formal verification tools like the Tamarin Prover. The key goal is to locate and analyse protocol issues while taking different types of attacks into account. In the end, this study is going to demonstrate the importance of creation and verification of security protocol analysis methods in order to improve digital security in the process and react to the changing digital environment.

Keywords: Security protocols, process algebra CSP, Tamarin Prover


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 14 at Presentation Slot 8

Location: GH043 at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Alma Rahat, Deshan Sumanathilaka (GTA)

Course: MSc Data Science, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for an industry placement