Christopher Hibberd

Christopher Hibberd (2142002) Human Skeleton 3D Graph Data Analysis for the Assessment of Physio Exercises Project Abstract The motivation behind this work stems from the increasing need for precise and efficient tools to assess the effectiveness of physiotherapy...

Danny Hillary

Danny Hillary (2006974) Ai working for you to purchase your dream car Project Abstract Car prices are influenced by a multitude of intricate factors, making the process of purchasing a dream car daunting, especially for rarer and more exclusive models. In light of...

Upenyu Hlangabeza

Upenyu Hlangabeza (2035108) Human Skeleton 3D Graph Data Analysis for the Assessment of Physio Exercises Project Abstract This is a python based project aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of LSTM due to the limitations of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in...

Kian Holder

Kian Holder (2016928) No Project Title Provided Project Abstract No Abstract Provided Keywords: , ,    Conference Details   Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 42 Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30 Markers:...

Emily hUNT

Emily hUNT (2112325) Unsupervised Spectral Satellite Image Analysis for Classification of Crop Types Project Abstract Accurate land cover classification is a vital task for both food security and environmental monitoring, and can be used to measure the distribution of...

Yasin Asghar

Yasin Asghar (2012105) Improving Prawf for Efficient theorem proving Project Abstract Firstly, to improve reasoning and making good valid argument, secondly, for efficient program extraction, the Howard curry correspondence allows correct by construction program from...

Will Isom

Will Isom (2033049) End-to-End Implementation of a Network Remote ID UAV System Project Abstract The development of autonomous drone technology has enabled more complex drone operations, these advancements such as Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) flights have...

Ashton Jones

Ashton Jones (2120408) Mathematical Equation Solver: An Intelligent OCR-Based Mobile Application Project Abstract This project was chosen due to an increasing demand for accessible and interactive educational tools. There is a growing need for applications that can...

James Jones

James Jones (2109061) 2D Pose Estimation and Classification of Taekwondo techniques Project Abstract The quality of a Taekwondo pattern?��s performance is a widely used metric of the advancement of a practitioner of the martial art. With a particularly subjective...

Steffan Jones

Steffan Jones (2006991) WhatsApp Web Data Extraction Tool Project Abstract The WhatsApp Web Data Extraction tool is intended for use by professional teams such as Digital Forensics and Law Enforcement who would use the tool in a way of gathering evidence from...

Muslima Karimova

Muslima Karimova (2130288) Development of Learning Management System (LMS) Software for Schools Project Abstract Most schools world wide use paper based system for tracking records such as student attendance monitoring, marking, lesson planning. For uploading homework...

Leighton Katus

Leighton Katus (2105062) A Dendritic Cell Algorithm-Inspired Approach To Keylogger Detection Project Abstract In the digital age, computer systems are evolving and integrating into all aspects of our society. However, with that, cyber-criminals are evolving too, and...

Luca Khatri

Luca Khatri (2033014) Developing a Web Service for Football Data Project Abstract For my final year software engineering project, I have chosen to develop a free-to-use platform that delivers football data. This platform will be in the form of a web service where...

Dimitrios Koumaris

Dimitrios Koumaris (2269608) Black Box Optimisation for Algorithm Configuration Project Abstract Latin squares, and by their extension, sudoku, are popular puzzles that can be played recreationally and studied mathematically. There are different strategies for solving...

Rex Lam

Rex Lam (2035415) No Project Title Provided Project Abstract No Abstract Provided Keywords: , ,    Conference Details   Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 59 Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30 Markers: Scott...

Jonathan Lee

Jonathan Lee (2033774) 5G Enabled Secured Cloud for IoT devices Project Abstract In an era increasingly dominated by interconnected technologies, this study investigates the optimal methods for managing user devices within a cloud infrastructure, essential as user...

Jack Lennard

Jack Lennard (1913438) Historical Investigation of Popular Trends in Programming Languages Project Abstract This project was inspired by the question of how we arrived at the current set of programming languages used today, and how established paradigms were developed...

Kam Leung

Kam Leung (2147826) No Project Title Provided Project Abstract No Abstract Provided Keywords: , ,    Conference Details   Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 126 Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30 Markers: Troy...

Fidel Little

Fidel Little (2123494) Building an Educational Tool (python_idea) Project Abstract This project was designed to be an educational tool for teachers who teach Computer Science lessons without much experience in the subject, particularly supply teachers or those working...

Yuxuan Luo

Yuxuan Luo (2216677) Extensions to existing implementations of ordinal arithmetic Project Abstract Termination is essential to establish the correct behaviour of a computer system. The most common method of establishing termination is the use of ordinals.Therefore...

Alex Macoveanu

Alex Macoveanu (2142569) No Project Title Provided Project Abstract No Abstract Provided Keywords: , ,    Conference Details   Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 119 Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30 Markers:...

Tadiwa Sophia Mafirambudzi

Tadiwa Sophia Mafirambudzi (2042625) QuickNote: Accessibility Through Smart Watch Technology Project Abstract Motivation and Background The QuickNote Watch App was developed in response to the growing need for more effective, accessible, and user-friendly note-taking...

Tom Mann

Tom Mann (2116876) Epidemiology Modelling Project Abstract Epidemiological modelling can be a powerful tool in recreating and analysing disease spread, helping to inform health policy both in the moment and retrospectively. One approach, compartmental models,...

Maxwell Marshall-White

Maxwell Marshall-White (2011867) A Machine Learning Model for the prediction of used cars using textual data Project Abstract The used car market within the United Kingdom has been growing since the global coronavirus pandemic in 2020. With the growing number of cars,...

Harry Mason

Harry Mason (2141976) Investigating Multimodal Methods For The Discernment Of Financial Advice On YouTube Project Abstract YouTube is a preferred platform for the under 40s, and low-income individuals. In other words, those who need it most. Unfortunately, there is...

Dafydd-Rhys Maund

Dafydd-Rhys Maund (2003900) Social Movies in a World of Social Distancing Project Abstract The internet has provided means of accessing digital media that is far superior in comparison to previous technologies. Watching and listening to media without need for physical...

Eveleen McGovern

Eveleen McGovern (2106998) Game Design for Soft Skill Teaching Project Abstract This project surrounds the development of a video game to teach soft skills (e.g. teamwork, communication), and to examine its benefits compared to analogue game-based teaching, which is...

Oliver Mclean

Oliver Mclean (2034629) No Project Title Provided Project Abstract No Abstract Provided Keywords: , ,    Conference Details   Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 53 Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30 Markers:...

Lewis Meekings

Lewis Meekings (2121108) Evolving Artificial Life Project Abstract Evolutionary simulation is a subset of computer simulation that focuses on evolutionary processes, there are different ways to go about this sort of simulation such as deterministic mathematical...

Connor Morey

Connor Morey (2124003) Photo-Realistic Ray Tracing Implementing KD-Trees Project Abstract Raytracing is a rendering technique which has a large impact on a wide range of industries, having applications in entertainment but also fields such as engineering, medicine and...

Sam Morgan

Sam Morgan (2145027) Implementing a Hybrid Music Recommendation System Project Abstract With the introduction of music streaming services, the availability of music is at an increasing scale. How can individuals be connected to music they will enjoy? The aim of a...

Si��n Ieuan Morgan

Si��n Ieuan Morgan (2017355) Modeling And Developing Attack Trees Project Abstract This dissertation was motivated by the pressing need to enhance existing cyber-security tools in response to evolving threat landscapes, specifically focusing on the integration of the...

Ali Muktar

Ali Muktar (2149459) Food Sharing Web Application Project Abstract The project’s aim and motivation are to solve food waste issues and financial challenges university students face. To address these concerns, the Food Sharing Web Application was developed. Its...

Tom Muoneke

Tom Muoneke (1912991) No Project Title Provided Project Abstract No Abstract Provided Keywords: , ,    Conference Details   Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 0 Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30 Markers: ,...

Oliver Musgrove

Oliver Musgrove (2118116) Investigation on uses of Interactive AR technology Project Abstract I decided to create this project due to the current interest in augmented reality technologies by larger companies like Apple and Meta as well as the ever-increasing use of...

Ka Hei Jason Ng

Ka Hei Jason Ng (2138482) Exploring the Effectiveness of Weighted Attack Trees in Identifying and Mitigating Cyber Threats Project Abstract After exploring the background about the attack tree model, I thought that the model could be more improved in an effective way...

Julia Nowak

Julia Nowak (2014681) UX Dark Patterns Detector: Navigating the Ethics of Digital Design Project Abstract Dark patterns are manipulative design tactics that influence user behaviour, often to detriment user?��s best interest. This project introduces the Dark Pattern...

Andie Ouso

Andie Ouso (2022112) Weather and Music Alarm Clock Project Abstract The motivation behind this project stems from the recognition of the daily struggle many individuals face when waking up in the morning, coupled with the potential of technology to improve this...

Charles Overton

Charles Overton (2112632) Backpacking app to help backpackers tourplan on the go Project Abstract Within the modern world people have developed their travel experiences to plan as little as possible while abroad as to create the most stress-free environment on their...

Krithika Palaniappan

Krithika Palaniappan (2103879) Virtual Reality for Controlling and Interacting with Robots Project Abstract We have crafted a project that delves into the realm of human-robot interactions within virtual reality (VR) environments, an area ripe with unexplored...

Jason Pang

Jason Pang (2034852) Developing Educational Games Project Abstract Games can be fun and entertaining, and it can more than that. Educational games can fulfill multiple purpose besides entertainment, such as learning new knowledge, researching about behavior and more,...

Cheng Peng

Cheng Peng (2221215) Adversarial Attacks in image classification Project Abstract As electronics grow increasingly intelligent and connected to the internet, fresh security concerns emerge. In deep learning, adversarial attacks is a one the means of jamming. In...

Dylan Piercy

Dylan Piercy (2141949) Car Survival Environment Using Machine Learning Project Abstract In this dissertation, I present a simulation-based survival environment designed for the evolution of autonomous agents competing to navigate through a track. The goal is to...

Cerys Pinch

Cerys Pinch (2003618) Linter for Novice Go Programmers Project Abstract Static code analysis, using automated tools known as linters, is a crucial process for software engineers seeking an extra mechanism for identifying bugs, potentially problematic features or...

Josh Pitchford

Josh Pitchford (2114099) The Future of Deformable Displays in Smartphones Project Abstract Deformable displays are an emerging type of display technology that allow the screen to contort, fold or morph in various ways. Within this project, we intend to assess the...

Mikaela Price

Mikaela Price (1903088) No Project Title Provided Project Abstract No Abstract Provided Keywords: , ,    Conference Details   Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 7 Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30 Markers:...

Alex Rendell

Alex Rendell (2113331) Exploring Genetic Algorithms Performance in Complex Strategy Games Project Abstract Optimizing optimisation has been an ongoing battle since technology emerged, with scientists and mathematicians all over the world seeking more efficient and...

Emily Richardson

Emily Richardson (2004526) Develop a comprehensive Web Application that facilitates the scheduling and management of tennis competitions. Project Abstract The app will supply a user-friendly platform to view, create and participate in tournaments. It will help to...

Kimberley Rogers

Kimberley Rogers (2035202) Test framework for semiconductor manufacturing and control Project Abstract The motivation behind this research stems from the escalating complexity and demands within the semiconductor industry. With semiconductor technology continuously...

Joseph Ryan

Joseph Ryan (2114730) A study of Tetris and reinforcement learning Project Abstract Tetris is one of the most popular and easy to pick up games of all time, so it serves as an excellent platform to test ai models. However, despite its simple exterior it has proved to...