Osian Sutton (2014727) Osian Sutton

Browser Extension for Detecting Deceptive Design Patterns

Project Abstract

Deceptive design patterns (DDPs), sometimes referred to as dark patterns, are elements within a design which aim to deceive and entrap users into choices they otherwise would not take. This is done to the benefit of the service hosting the patterns as they are typically used to gain consent to collect user data or during the purchase of a product or service. This project proposes the creation of a web browser extension to be made freely available; it automatically detects and highlight DDPs, alerting users to their usage. Descriptions of the type of pattern along with how they manipulate user choice is shown to the user. The extension improves user awareness of the tricks used by designers, as well as returns the user?��s right to choose which some websites remove from them.

Keywords: Human?��computer Interaction, ,


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 46

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Daniele Cafolla, Jiaxiang Zhang

Course: BSc Software Engineering, 3rd Year

Future Plans: Other