Nodirbek Khabibullaev (2401452) Nodirbek Khabibullaev

Refining RSA Cryptanalysis: Advanced Implementations and Empirical Bound Analysis of Wiener?��s Attack

Project Abstract

The resilience of RSA encryption, a cornerstone of digital security, is under continual reevaluation due to advancements in computational power and the evolution of cryptanalytic techniques. Among these, Wiener?��s attack remains notably effective against RSA configurations with small secret exponents. This project responds to the urgent need for fortified cryptographic defenses by enhancing existing methodologies and exploring new boundaries in RSA security. The primary aim is to refine Wiener?��s attack through the implementation of Dujella?��s variant and to empirically define sharper bounds for the private exponent in RSA configurations.The research adopts a two-pronged methodological approach. Firstly, it involves the development and optimization of a computational model based on Dujella?��s variant which employs a ?��meet-in-the-middle?�� strategy and Diophantine approximations. This model is designed to test the attack?��s efficiency across various RSA settings and adjust cryptanalytic tactics accordingly. Secondly, the project conducts rigorous computational experiments to empirically determine more precise limits for the private exponent relative to the modulus. This will involve a comparative analysis of these new empirical boundaries against established theoretical ones to assess how they impact the vulnerability of RSA encryption to Wiener?��s attack.By advancing the understanding of cryptanalytic exploits and enhancing RSA?��s robustness, this research not only addresses immediate security concerns but also contributes to the broader cryptographic dialogue, ensuring the ongoing reliability of digital communications in the face of evolving threats.

Keywords: Optimization of Wiener?��s Attack, Empirical RSA Security Bounds, Advanced Cryptanalytic Techniques


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 15 at Presentation Slot 3

Location: GH029 at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Anton Setzer, George Brooks (GTA)

Course: MSc Advanced Computer Science, Masters PG

Future Plans: I have a job lined-up