Nishanth Chary Poudozu (2355221) Nishanth Chary Poudozu

Smart Home Energy Management System

Project Abstract

The Smart Home Energy Management System (SHEMS) integrated IoT technology into laundry management to meet the demand for efficient household solutions in today’s fast-paced lifestyle. By automating laundry operations and sending real-time notification.The system Aim to improve laundry operators’ and homeowners’ convenience. Its unique selling point is that it specifically designed IoT technology for laundry management, providing a full answer to frequent customer problems.The main objective is to develop a system that automates laundry tasks while providing real-time updates, so increasing overall efficiency and streamlining the procedure. The techniques include creating a smart home system that combines Internet of Things (IoT) sensors with laundry equipment to identify cycle status and notify customers via smartphone.Key findings show notable increases in convenience and efficiency, with users claiming higher levels of control, lower energy use, and happier lives. The primary takeaway is that IoT technology has the ability to completely transform home management and open the door to smarter living arrangements. In conclusion, this study advances our knowledge of how smart home solutions can improve ease and efficiency in daily life by providing insights into the actual implementation of IoT in household management, notably in laundry duties.

Keywords: Embedded Systems, Internet of Things (IoT),


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 24 at Presentation Slot 2

Location: College 017 at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Fabio Caraffini, Nader Al Khatib (GTA)

Course: MSc Computer Science, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for an industry placement