Niall Ripley (2018181) Niall Ripley

Educational Literacy Tool

Project Abstract

Younger people read less than ever before; teachers struggle more than ever before. In recent years we have seen a large decrease in younger people reading in their free time, which is a major tool for not only widening a person?��s vocabulary range but shaping a young person into a better version of oneself. This paired with an overwhelming workload for teachers directly correlated to them quitting their profession in record-high numbers. I believe the best way to approach these issues is to create an educational tool to positively impact the reading ability of younger people and to encourage reading in their free time. Along with this, it should be easy for teachers to adopt and directly assign work to their students resulting in a better work-life balance. After thorough investigation, I concluded a mobile application would be the most effective course of action. This application is designed with consideration for all parties involved. The submission of extracts with tasks that are conveniently applied through right-click options can be assigned to a class of students. Additionally, the students benefit from colour-coded tasks now associated with the submitted text, enabling them to respond whether at home, on the go, or wherever they can utilize a smartphone. I found motivating students to read is quite challenging. While the application has students reading for short periods and engage in common practise tasks, aimed at enhancing critical thinking and reading comprehension, I acknowledge that I haven?��t quite succeeded in producing an application that truly excites students to open a book and immerse themselves in a story during their free time.

Keywords: Educational Tool, Mobile Application, Ease of Use


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 58

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Fabio Caraffini, Arnold Beckmann

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for work