Nathan Rubayiza (2031579) Nathan Rubayiza

Game Based Learning: A Study on Teaching Python Programming

Project Abstract

The “Python Runner” project, created using the Unity engine, combines educational programming content with engaging gameplay mechanics. This project is both timely and impactful, as it utilizes the increasing trend of educational games and focuses specifically on enhancing programming skills through interactive gaming. The primary research question explores the ability of “Python Runner” to incorporate Python programming education into its gameplay and the educational value it provides.The game is structured into distinct levels, each aimed at gradually introducing and reinforcing Python programming concepts. Initial findings indicate that “Python Runner” successfully integrates programming education into its gameplay through these levels:- Tutorial Level: This level familiarizes players with the game mechanics and the conditions that the game applies to the player when they provide a correct or incorrect answer. This way, they understand both the controls and the educational purpose of the game.- Variable Declarations: In this level, players face scenarios that require them to use Python variables to advance, consolidating their understanding through hands-on application.- Conditional Statements: This level challenges players to employ conditional logic to resolve problems, enhancing their critical thinking skills and their ability to use Python syntax correctly.The research concludes that “Python Runner” is a new and innovative example of how digital games can be designed to deliver educational content. The game keeps players engaged while effectively teaching Python programming, offering valuable insights into the integration of learning and gameplay. This study expands my knowledge of educational game design, demonstrating that games can be both entertaining and deeply educational, and setting the stage for future innovations in this field.

Keywords: Game Development, Education, Programming


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 65

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Fernando Maestre Avila, Benjamin Mora

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m continuing studies