Nathan Rees (2013424) Nathan Rees

Data Regulation: The Means and the Ends

Project Abstract

With regards to controversial of a topic data collection is nowadays due to a multitude of reasons. This project aims to be an understandable and concise yet well informed deep dive into the world/lifecycle of data collection. Who collects it, who regulates it. Data has been assigned many forms of value with an ability to hark back the saying knowledge is power be it for a company or a country. Both can benefit from knowing what kind of drinks you like, yet in different ways. From media hype affecting the level of paranoia many laws are made, many are made. Some that would help you, yet some aim to give leeway to collectors if they maintain security on data. Despite being something, some may view as so minuet has such a long list of rules to follow, rewards to gain from and controversies to cause. Data regulation is something that will be explained in sections, legal. Technological, financial. Many to go through, yet this paper will always try to be understandable to anyone unfamiliar of the concept.

Keywords: Cyber Security, Data lifecycle, Research


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 39

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: John Tucker, Anton Setzer

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m undecided