Mollie Stamp (2003865) Mollie Stamp

Age related differences in User Experience: Exploring salience design in Human-Computer Interaction through eye tracking technology

Project Abstract

Aging introduces a range of changes in physical, neurological, and sensory functions, which all have impacts on how an individual interacts with digital interfaces. Cognitive decline is one of those factors, and is inherit with age. Despite extensive research into the consequences of cognitive decline, older individuals are often not thought of during web design processes. By investigating how different age groups navigate digital interfaces, it is possible to create design principles that accommodate the unique needs of older users as well, thereby promoting a technological landscape that promotes inclusivity and usability across an individual’s entire lifespan.This project has performed an experiment, where participants take part in a stroop test, and then a visual experiment to test how users interact with banking interfaces.

Keywords: User Experience, Eye-tracking, Gentrology


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 34 at Presentation Slot 6

Location: CoFo 002 at Wednesday 8th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Mark Jones, Galileo Sator (GTA)

Course: MSci Computer Science, Masters 4th Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for work