miles leaver (2017199) miles leaver

Tool for Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment

Project Abstract

This dissertation project presents a user-friendly application designed to execute the Threat Analysis Risk Assessment (TARA) process. The application, developed using the versatile JavaFX platform that interfaces seamlessly with a MySQL database administrated by My PHP admin. It executes SQL queries via JDBC connections, a robust method for database interaction.The resultant data is then displayed to the user through a JavaFX UI. This UI utilizes various table views for optimal readability and interaction, transforming raw data into understandable information. This transformation is crucial in the field of cybersecurity, where comprehending data quickly and accurately can be the difference between a secure system and a compromised one.The application?��s design and implementation are deeply rooted in the principles of usability and efficiency. These principles ensure a seamless experience for users navigating the complexities of cybersecurity risk assessment, a task that can often be daunting and confusing. By prioritizing user experience, the application becomes more than a tool; it becomes a reliable assistant for cybersecurity professionals.Furthermore, the dissertation explores the application?��s potential for scalability and adaptability. In the ever-changing landscape of cybersecurity threats, tools must evolve or risk becoming obsolete. This application is designed with the future in mind, ready to adapt and grow with new developments in the field.By providing a comprehensive overview of the application?��s functionality and potential applications, this dissertation aims to contribute to the ongoing discourse on effective cybersecurity risk management tools. Ultimately, the goal is to demonstrate how the integration of user-centric design and robust technical implementation can result in a tool for navigating the TARA process. In the world of cybersecurity, such tools are not just helpful; they are essential. This dissertation, therefore, serves as both a presentation of a valuable tool and a call to action for continued innovation in the field.

Keywords: Cyber Security, Database management, Model View Controller


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 56

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Hoang Nga Nguyen, Arnold Beckmann

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for an industry placement