Max Eustace (851418) Max Eustace

Modelling and Cryptanalysis of RSA

Project Abstract

RSA is one of the most popular public key encryption systems used today. As the world becomes increasingly more online, and more people use some kind of internet enabled device within their day to day lives, secrecy and security over large distances is becoming increasingly important.RSA has been known to be vulnerable in some capacity to many different attacks. This project analyses the effectiveness of Wiener’s attack on the system to better educate how to create a secure implementation of RSA. This project has created an implementation of both an RSA system and Wiener’s attack on the system, demonstrating the use of RSA between two parties, and allowing for a high volume of testing of the attack upon many different randomly generated keys.The project has succeeded in producing these implementations, and found that about 1% of randomly generated keys under Wiener’s conditions are vulnerable to the attack, and outlines why this is unsafe, and how to secure an RSA system against this attack.Hopefully this project will be able to enlighten budding cryptologists on the workings behind RSA encryption, and how its weaknesses can be avoided.

Keywords: Cryptography, Cyber Security, RSA Encryption


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 127

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Eike Neumann, Fernando Maestre Avila

Course: MSci Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m continuing studies