Luca Khatri (2033014) Luca Khatri

Developing a Web Service for Football Data

Project Abstract

For my final year software engineering project, I have chosen to develop a free-to-use platform that delivers football data. This platform will be in the form of a web service where users can make requests for data via HTTP, and have their desired data returned to them in the form of a JSON-encoded web document. The primary motivation behind why I have chosen to pursue this project originates from a genuine interest in learning more about web service architectures and technologies. I believe that by implementing a web service of my own, I can better recognise the underlying architectures and frameworks that enable web services to be highly functional, supporting the popular apps that we use day to day. Furthermore, as a football fan and aspiring IT professional, I am intrigued about how modern football has changed and seen a rise in the use of data collection and analytics to enhance the sport in various aspects. I intend to use this project to not only highlight this trend but also explore to what extent the collection and analysis of performance-based metrics has improved certain aspects of the sport. From a software engineering project perspective, the goal was to deliver a platform where sports analysts, application developers, and football fans alike can utilise the data available to facilitate whatever their needs may be. The outcome of this development project is a highly functional RESTful web service, leveraging a microservices architecture that can deliver up-to-date information about leagues, teams, players, and matches.

Keywords: Software Engineering, RESTful Web Services, Backend Development


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 49

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Neal Harman, Monika Seisenberger

Course: BSc Software Engineering FI, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I have a job lined-up