Lloyd Francis (2363289) Lloyd Francis

Game-Changing Cybersecurity Education: Game-Based Awareness Training for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Wales

Project Abstract

With cyber threats becoming increasingly sophisticated, the importance of effective cybersecurity awareness training (CAT) to mitigate risk cannot be overstated. Evidence shows clear cyber inequity in CAT across businesses, with employees in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Wales being disproportionately affected, often because managers consider CAT unnecessary or too costly. Empirical literature shows how gamification could be a cost-effective e-learning CAT tool for SMEs. It is emerging as a superior, interactive and engaging learning experience that can be personalised to rapidly achieve desired learning outcomes.This project aims to plan, design, and pilot test an e-learning, game-based CAT tool for employees in SMEs across Wales. The underlying story and genre will be immersive and challenging whilst drawing on gamified software engineering principles and behaviour theory. The educational content and overall game design will be informed by a preliminary survey, where a questionnaire will be distributed to 200-300 SMEs across Wales for completion by ?��non-expert?�� employees. The questionnaire will explore their cybersecurity knowledge and practices at work and ask their opinions regarding the types and genre of game they would prefer. A Likert-style questionnaire with room for free text will allow collection of quantitative and qualitative data. Analysis will identify areas of cybersecurity awareness and knowledge warranting improvement and investigate relationships with demographic variables. Attitudes and behaviours towards cyber security will also be analysed to inform game design. It is proposed that a game engine be used to expedite the game development process and allow sufficient time for pilot testing and feedback of a prototype game. To conclude, by leveraging gamification and tailored educational content to enhance the cybersecurity knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours of employees in SMEs in Wales, this project will ensure improved cyber resilience in Welsh SMEs and reduce cyber inequity.

Keywords: Cyber Security Education, Cyber Security Awareness Training, E-learning Gamification Tool


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 9 at Presentation Slot 7

Location: GH022 at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Raziyeh Moghaddas (GTA), Ulrich Berger

Course: MSc Cyber Security, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for work