Liam Clegg (2111466) Liam Clegg

Realtime Raytraced Blackhole

Project Abstract

Scientific communication often faces challenges in conveying complex topics, such as black holes, to a broader audience. Given the popularity and accessibility of video games in the modern era, there is an opportunity to merge science with gaming to enhance understanding. This project was initiated to develop a real-time ray tracer for black holes, aiming to make these intricate concepts more accessible and engaging.While several black hole ray tracers exist, this research distinguishes itself by employing algorithms designed to reduce render times significantly. The primary objective was to investigate the potential for faster black hole ray tracing using these proposed algorithms.The research methodology involved an initial study of general relativity principles, followed by a review of existing solutions in black hole ray tracing. Subsequently, ray tracing algorithms were implemented and compared with an adaptive grid algorithm for ray calculations.The findings indicate that the implemented algorithms approximately doubled the speed of frame rendering compared to conventional methods. Unique techniques such as adaptive grids and interpolation demonstrated efficacy in black hole rendering, suggesting potential broader applications in numerical ray integration scenarios.The project culminated in the development of a real-time ray tracer program with adjustable parameters and settings. Additionally, the program features a camera function allowing visualization of how different angles affect light bending around a black hole. This research deepened intuitions into general relativity and showcased the possibilities of integrating physics with computer science. The performance-enhancing algorithms implemented in the ray tracer offer the potential for double the rendering performance, particularly evident when simulating a black hole with an accretion disk.

Keywords: Graphics, Interactive Simulation, Real-time algorithms


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 76

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Mark Jones, Trang Doan

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for work