Kshetra Chand (2343766) Kshetra Chand

Verification of Security Protocol

Project Abstract

The internet world is all about communication security in the age of rapidly evolving cyber threats. This paper is set on milking the use of formal verification tools, mainly Tamarin Prover, to ensure the integrity and reliability of such protocols. Through exploring cryptographic protocols with established rigor and verification mechanisms, I hope to identify security weaknesses and strengthen protocol security. The primary challenge here is to devise secure and resilient communication protocols to obtain the same under the rapidly changing menace environment. In this project the approach that comprises of literature review, protocol analysis and formal verification guides through on how to identify typical errors and weaknesses. The research findings expressed the importance of the mechanism of formal verification for enhancing the reliability of protocol and prevention of security threats. Eventually, the propose to incorporate Tamarin Prover formal verification tools to strengthen the protocol security and build trust in where the digital communication is concerned. Holistic approach of continuous feedback and improvement of security processes are undertaken in order to maintain the credibility and maturity of authentication protocols in an ongoing manner. Consequently, the keywords like formal verification, Tamarin Prover, communication protocols, vulnerabilities, and security are employed all over the paper to make sure consistency and clarity.

Keywords: Tamarin, Symbolic Execution, ProVerif


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 6 at Presentation Slot 3

Location: GH014 at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Jay Morgan, Trang Doan

Course: MSc Cyber Security, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for work