Kothmini Samarakoon (2353523) Kothmini Samarakoon

Web-Based Queue System for Computer Lab Assistance and Sign-off Requests

Project Abstract

The current manual process of assisting and signing-off students promptly upon their raising of hands in the computer labs faces challenges when serving a large number of students in a limited time. These include prolonged waiting times for an assistance or a sign-off, leading to frustration and dissatisfaction among students and academic staff. The identified issues in the current procedure highlight the need for a request queue management system that enriches the educational experience and improves the interaction process between students and academic staff in the labs. This project aims to design and develop a novel web-based queue management system for computer lab sessions, which allows students to submit lab assistance and sign-off requests online in an effective manner and receive responses based on a fair and efficient prioritisation procedure. Additionally, the system will provide an anonymous feedback mechanism to students and a statistical overview to relevant staff to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of the assistance. The web application will be implemented with modern web technologies using HTML/CSS, JavaScript and Laravel MVC (Model View Controller) backend framework to handle the dynamic and interactive elements of the web application and to provide a user-friendly interface. A successful implementation of the system is expected to significantly enhance the user experience in computer labs, improve the quality of student support and deliver broad benefits to students, academic staff and the educational institution as a whole.

Keywords: Web-Based Application, Queue Management System, Assistance and Sign-off Requests


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 26 at Presentation Slot 5

Location: GH043 at Wednesday 8th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: George Brooks (GTA), Markus Roggenbach

Course: MSc Advanced Computer Science, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for work