kirana kumar sahukar (2352101) kirana kumar sahukar

Web Application – Novel Lab Sign-off and Queue System

Project Abstract

The “Novel Lab Sign-Off and Queue System” is a web application that simplifies the procedure of lab signoffs in university settings. This web application is built to ease the process of lab sign off. By using this application u can request TA/lecturer to review it and do signoff. Traditional techniques frequently struggle to manage signoffs properly, especially when working with lots of students and tight deadlines. To overcome these challenges, this system uses a First Come, First Serve (FCFS) queue management strategy where it can be customizable as per admin requirements, which ensures fairness and time saver. Using this application, we can request lab signoffs remotely even if you are not in Lab.The system’s key features include user identification for students and lecturers/TAs, dash-boards adapted to their unique needs, request management for signoffs and task evaluations, file upload capabilities, seating location for direct engagement, and an anonymous feedback system once they received help or support.By centralizing lab signoffs and implementing automation for request routing and queue management, the system hopes to improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the lab support process. Through testing and iterative adjustments, the system aims to match the changing demands of students and lecturers, ultimately enhancing academic performance.

Keywords: Web Application, PHP, react js


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 1 at Presentation Slot 2

Location: GH049 at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Chen Hu (GTA), Simon Robinson

Course: MSc Computer Science, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for work