Kimberley Rogers (2035202) Kimberley Rogers

Test framework for semiconductor manufacturing and control

Project Abstract

The motivation behind this research stems from the escalating complexity and demands within the semiconductor industry. With semiconductor technology continuously evolving, there is an urgent need for more advanced and efficient testing frameworks. Firsthand experience gained during an engineering internship at a leading semiconductor company underscored the pressing need for improved testing methodologies, highlighting shortcomings such as poor software quality, vast bugs, and the absence of a user-oriented interface.This research proposes a flexible framework to revolutionise the testing process for semiconductor machinery. The unique positioning of this work lies in its focus on developing a comprehensive solution that streamlines the creation of test applications for various semiconductor machines. The main aim of this research is to address the shortcomings identified and mitigate time and cost constraints associated with testing procedures.The basic design of the study involves harnessing the capabilities of the .NET environment and leveraging C# to develop a robust yet intuitive software application. The main approach to the work integrates defensive programming techniques to ensure seamless operation, even in unexpected scenarios.Key results of this research are expected to demonstrate significant improvements in test application creation efficiency and cost reduction. The main insights derived from the study highlight the effectiveness of intuitive UI design, sophisticated device control, and rigorous testing methodologies. The output of this research is a flexible framework capable of facilitating the rapid creation of test applications for semiconductor manufacturing machinery.In conclusion, upon completion, this research contributes to the optimisation of testing procedures within the semiconductor industry. By providing a comprehensive solution to address existing shortcomings, this work fosters streamlined processes, reduces costs, and enhances user satisfaction. Ultimately, this research advances the field by introducing a flexible framework that enables efficient and effective testing procedures for semiconductor machinery.

Keywords: Software Engineering, Semiconductor Industry, Machinery Testing


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 57

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Monika Seisenberger, Lu Zhang

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I have a job lined-up