Kartheek bolleni (2347816) Kartheek bolleni


Project Abstract

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are a key element which transforms between physical phenomenon and computational algorithms. They have the potential to improve the way of interaction with environment. It is an endeavor that aims at integrating a cat-and-mouse type scenario in the CPS theory, by conceiving on the one hand the unpredictability of the environment and the real time data collection and optimization of resources. This project is influenced to provide educational, research, interdisciplinary, problem-solving, practical, and outreach objectives not only to help students but also to learn directly by experiencing. The main target is to bring the interrelated CPS model that will duplicate the interactions of a cat and mouse into reality. Tasks include showing, simulating motors, navigating by sensors and creating road maps as more realistic as possible. Research questions formulate how controls function, how sensors affect noise, machine learning options are applied, and simulations are scaled. The report makes a case for a close scrutiny of related documents and suitable applications like MATLAB for comprehensive CPS modelling. Certain methods like 2D graphics and 3D modeling and also the use of the agent- based modeling are discussed as the strategies for replicating the cat and mouse situation. Amongst the techniques offered are; realism, interactivity, and complexity for the project to achieve the desired objectives. This report can be considered as an entire summary of the challenges faced, as well as the motives behind the effective deployment of cat and mouse simulation inside a CPS. It key in application of the right approaches to attain project success by the use of the suitable techniques. The report is intended to lay the foundation for future research and development in this field, promoting innovative thinking and interdisciplinary concepts.

Keywords: Inter related cyber physical systems that imitates cat and mouse in MALTAB, Example of bouncing ball, Hybrid Systems Representation


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 5 at Presentation Slot 8

Location: GH011 at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Nader Al Khatib (GTA), Tom Owen

Course: MSc Advanced Computer Science, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m continuing studies