Ka Hei Jason Ng (2138482) Ka Hei Jason Ng

Exploring the Effectiveness of Weighted Attack Trees in Identifying and Mitigating Cyber Threats

Project Abstract

After exploring the background about the attack tree model, I thought that the model could be more improved in an effective way so companies don’t need to repeat the approach when they set up a new business. Also the improved idea makes the companies can tailor made their own attack tree model in a more accurate way that suit their needs. The main objective is to prove the idea of weighted attack tree is better than the origianl attack tree model in a certain extend. The ways to compare the 2 different model is to evaluate the results by doing 2 different examples to discover whether the weighted attack tree have the capability to fit users needs in different circumstances and also do a better job than the original attack tree. The main methodology that used in the project is some basic weighting and probability. After researching the knowledge of cyber threats in real life, a website contains the record of past cyber threat has been discovered. The website classified the cyber threats into 3 main aspects. Using that 3 aspects to do the construction of attack tree model and base on the subjective point of view to the the degree weighting(0.1-1.0) and calculate the weighting of the event in each node. The final result shows that the weighted attack tree has a more accurate standard to define and determine which attack steps needs more cautions for company to invest resources preventing it. Although the subjective determination of each node’s degree did’nt solve, it still a milestone for the improvement of an attack tree model.

Keywords: Attack Tree, threat modeling, Cyber Security


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 109

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Giedre Sabaliauskaite (Siraj), Pardeep Kumar

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for work