Julia Nowak (2014681) Julia Nowak

UX Dark Patterns Detector: Navigating the Ethics of Digital Design

Project Abstract

Dark patterns are manipulative design tactics that influence user behaviour, often to detriment user?��s best interest. This project introduces the Dark Pattern Detector, a Google Chrome extension designed to identify and highlight instances of dark patterns, including fake scarcity, fake social proof, fake urgency, and manipulative cookie consent designs. It aims to increase user awareness of these practices and promote ethical design principles.

Keywords: UX Design, Web Development, Ethical Design


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 36

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Simon Robinson, Markus Roggenbach

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for work