Jonathan Lee (2033774) Jonathan Lee

5G Enabled Secured Cloud for IoT devices

Project Abstract

In an era increasingly dominated by interconnected technologies, this study investigates the optimal methods for managing user devices within a cloud infrastructure, essential as user dependency on digital platforms surges. The research is uniquely positioned at the intersection of cloud computing and user device management, focusing on enhancing the security and efficiency of managing multiple devices across different platforms. The main aim is to determine the most effective and secure strategies for device integration and management within Amazon Web Services (AWS).The methodology employs the React framework to develop a user-friendly front end and the Amazon AWS suite for the backend, aiming to establish a secure platform for device management. The project produced a robust framework for evaluating cloud services based on security, scalability, and administrative simplicity.In conclusion, this project contributes significantly to the field of cloud-based device management by delineating clear advantages and use-cases for AWS services in real-world applications. It extends the understanding of cloud infrastructure capabilities and lays down foundational secure strategies for organisations or individuals seeking to enhance their technological infrastructure, to optimise their device management practices effectively.

Keywords: Cyber Security, Web app, Cloud Security


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 52

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Pardeep Kumar, Solmaz safari

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for work