Jennalee Llewellyn (967558) Jennalee Llewellyn

Autonomous Vehicles and Computational Law

Project Abstract

With the advancing of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Autonomous Vehicles (AV’s) are on the horizon within the automotive industry and currently are being trialled and tested in numerous American Cities by different vehicle manufacturers at different levels of autonomy. Given the rapid advancement of technology and software, there’s an urgent need to ensure that Computational Law is promptly adapted to align with the introduction of these technologies.The dynamic environments surrounding drivers presents challenges for automotive companies striving to anticipate every possible scenario. Achieving full autonomy requires the vehicle’s software to confidently manage all potential situations. As a result of the autonomous industry advancing, numerous legal and ethical issues arise, including determining liability in collisions when the vehicle’s ‘driver’ is not in control and assessing the reliability of artificial intelligence in making appropriate decisions based on its environment.Based on this research, a NetLogo based model of a traffic intersection has been constructed to simulate various segments of the Highway Code. This model aims to illustrate the complexities of automation and visualise the countless factors relevant to AV development. Numerous tests have been conducted on the model to evaluate the behaviours of both autonomous and non-autonomous vehicles across various scenarios. By dissecting the large software engineering process that goes into programming a self-driving vehicle, a smaller-scale model has led to enhancing the understanding of the issues at hand by focusing on one aspect at a time.

Keywords: Software Engineering Project, Research based, Autonomous Vehicles


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 104

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Megan Venn-Wycherley, Fabio Caraffini

Course: BSc Software Engineering, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for work