Jan Michalec (2020531) Jan Michalec

Digital Product Passport implementation with Blockchain

Project Abstract

The Digital Product Passport (DPP) is a fresh concept, suitable for controlling the consumption and use of the Earth?��s resources. It is electronic information about a product, containing all crucial information needed for companies interested in buying it. It is created with the creation of its physical equivalent and is passed throughout its lifecycle to acknowledge any changes done to it or note who possesses it. It is considered a hot topic in academic fields, with many new articles realising each month. Combining it with the European Union?��s new laws and restrictions, it may be soon possible to slow down our utilization of limited resources, as well as reduce emissions of dangerous gasses. That would be possible, by enabling stakeholders access to information about materials throughout the lifecycle phase. However, this information is often considered by stakeholders as crucial, and they may be sceptical about sharing such information. Also, a lot of researchers have their ideas on how to approach the implementation of DPP. There is no consensus yet, about what technologies, and standards should be utilised to develop a global network of DPP to control the flow of materials, and what exactly such a Passport should contain. This work will focus on describing our proposition of how to implement the DPP network with the use of Blockchain, Python and Linux machine. We will demonstrate our results and talk about issues we struggled with. Implementation will be also compared to implementations of other research.

Keywords: Blockchain, Digital Product Passport, Linux


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 61

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Arnold Beckmann, Liam O’Reilly

Course: BSc Software Engineering FA, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I have a job lined-up